Prof. Dr Verena Lepper
Prof. Dr Verena Lepper
Collection Keeper, Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection, National Museums Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. Verena Lepper is the Curator of the Egyptian and Oriental Papyrus Collection of the Egyptian Museum, National Museums Berlin (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) and Honorary Professor at the Humboldt University Berlin. She is in charge of a collection with around 30,000 objects in ten different languages and scripts and has managed several exhibition and research projects in Germany and abroad (Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Bonn, Doha, Harvard) with a team of employees. She conducts research on topics such as Egyptian and Oriental papyri, literary and cultural history, and the history of science and art. To this end, she has published numerous books and exhibition catalogues with international publishers. She studied Egyptology, Semitic Philology, Christian Orient Studies and Hebrew Bible at Bonn, Cologne, Tuebingen, Oxford and Harvard University. She has received several awards for her scientific and curatorial work, for example from the World Economic Forum or from “Germany – Land of Ideas”. She received the highly renowned ERC-Grant from the European Research Council for the project: “Elephantine”.
To promote Arab-German academic exchange, she founded the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) in 2013.
She is involved in numerous committees in the field of scientific and cultural policy and diplomacy. Visiting professorships and fellowships have also taken her to Harvard and Princeton University.