The Egyptian city of (Tell) el-Amarna was built by King Akhenaten around 1350 B.C. as a new capital and as the showpiece for his new cult of the life-giving powers of the sun, the Aten.

Following his death the city was rapidly deserted, after an occupation of between about fifteen to twenty years. This short-lived history makes the site immensely important for archaeological studies. In 1979 the Egypt Exploration Society resumed its programme of excavation and survey at Amarna, interrupted since 1936. The current excavations have been concentrated at an isolated settlement in the desert behind the main city, the Workmen’s Village. At the same time a project of archaeological mapping for the whole city has been undertaken. This volume presents an interim report on excavations and survey, and various technical reports, including the first results of a major distribution analysis of pottery. Whilst the results contribute to our knowledge of the nature and history of Amarna specifically, they also illustrate the behaviour of one human community, isolated in space and time, as manifested through archaeology.


Author: Dr. Barry John Kemp
Publication Date: 2025